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Artist vs. Business Person - Must They Be Exclusive?

Listen to the full episode: There's this polarity between creative people and business people. You're either creative, or you understand business. One or the other. That's what the world would have you believe anyway. It's hard enough that the corporate world takes advantage of artists because most of us love what we do, but then artists themselves perpetuate the same garbage! Artists themselves buy into the lie and tear down other artists. It’s terrible. If you ever begin to sell or profit from your artist, you end up getting hate from other artists because “you're a sell out." What they don't realize is they're holding themselves back too by devaluing everyone's work. It's crab mentality. That's where you have crabs in a bucket that one could totally escape from if it weren't for the other crabs pulling him back down. They don't want you to escape the bucket of mediocrity! I get really fiery about this topic. Ben does too because he hates the "starving artist" myth. I'm really passionate about this because it's the reason I do what I do. I’m putting my neck out there every day, and I sincerely appreciate the people who are supportive of this show, but you would not believe the kinds of things people send and say! I have to remember that I’m not doing it for them. I'm doing this for you. It's just something that comes with the territory. But here's the reality: at the end of the day, artists who wield business will win. We talk about how to do that in today's episode.

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