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Family Court - the Source of the Corruption

The federal law Title IV-D of the Social Security Act was established in the late 1980's. Designed to encourage the collection of support payments for the public welfare, as well as reimburse the court for potential collection expenditures, it grants family court judges, the court system, and the state extra funds and wages for the federal government for each dollar the court extracts from a non-custodial parent in the form of child support. Mostly impervious to the eyes of scholars and journalists, family courts are cloaked in secrecy: they are held without jury trials, little is recorded of the proceedings, and many issue orders against discussing the terms of the case in public - ostensibly to protect the privacy of the family. Recent journalism and research, however, as well as moral activism on the part of whistleblowers, has revealed that family courts have been increasingly, over the last two decades, operating outside the original intent of Title IV-D. The result is the corruption of the judiciary. Original YouTube videos: "Carol Rhodes exposes the corrupt child support agencies," by rrpedersen "Carol Rhodes Former FOC Enforcement Officer," by dandiebolt "Carol Rhodes Author of FOC Enemy of the Family," by darricksf Marsha Maines, Family Rights Activist Parts 1 & 2, by markyoung12 Stephen Baskerville Discusses Deadbeat Dad Pizza Box Issue, by acfusa [Les Miserables] - 10th anniversary Work Song, by mistyaho [Les Miserables] 10th anniversary - Look Down, by mistyaho Websites on Title IV-D/equal parenting to consider:

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