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5 Reasons to Question the News Crew Shooting Story

Should we believe what the Media is feeding us about the story of the WDBJ News Crew shooting? Is this propaganda to push an agenda? Mainstream media alleges that WDBJ reporter Allison Parker and camera man Adam Ward, were gunned down on live TV by Vester Lee Flanagan aka; Bryce Williams, as they were conducting a live interview at 6:46am. Now, this may or may not be true. The reason for the doubt should be obvious in a day and age where the Elite-owned Mainstream Media has a credibility rating, in my book, of about zero. Here are a couple of strange things that should call the official story into question. And before people swallow anything the Media gives them, it would be a good idea to get these answered First, news anchor scripts tell a world-wide audience that “the killer knew his victims wouldn’t see him coming.” Williams is a big man, weighing about 300 lbs. His video indicates that he was walking up a wood deck landing apparently making noise, as the video indicates, as the three people he approached conducted their interview. The way Williams was walking, it didn’t appear that he was trying to sneak up on them. Next, We know from Williams’ alleged footage that Allison Parker at least glances over at Williams as the interview was being conducted. So, at least one person was aware of his presence. Seconds later he pulls a gun, aiming it but not discharging it. Third, the station manager says that this “chilling image” of Williams was caught by Adam Ward’s camera as it fell to the ground. But take a look at the camera man’s footage from beginning to end. There is no face shot of Williams in any of the footage. So, where did this image come from? Further, regarding this photo, it has a time stamp of 6am. We know the interview recording the gunshots wouldn’t happen for another 46 minutes. Fourth: Allison Parker’s co-workers are said to be fighting back tears in this broadcast just hours after their friends and co-workers were murdered in cold blood. There is nothing outward that indicates tears or grief. And then, there is the grieving boyfriend Chris Hurst. Oh, did I say grieving. This interview was conducted with Hurst just hours after is girlfriend, for whom he had a love that “burned white hot,” was slain on live television as audio picked up her final screams while she struggled to live. Is it just me or does it appear that Mr Hurst doesn’t seem to be to all that phased by such a surreal event that suddenly claimed the life of his alleged soul mate? Give your thoughts and observations in the Comments below, Do you think this was a real event or a staged production intended to push an agenda? Thanks for watching. If you like this vid, maybe you'll like some of my others. If so, why not SUBSCRIBE and Share?*** Subscribe here: Like to hear your COMMENTS...I DO read 'em. Let's stay connected: Website: If you wanna send stuff through Snail Mail @ P.O. Box 2071 Tahlequah, OK 74465 Want more KILLER content? Check these vids out: 15 SUPER CRAZY, BIZARRE Items Sold Online: 30 Crazy Money Facts You’ll Wish you NEVER Knew: 30 Mind Blowing Facts You Won’t Believe are Facts #2: 30 Mind Blowing Facts You Won’t Believe are Facts: 30 Crazy Marijuana Facts that will Blow Your Mind: 10 Super Cool Facts that Will Blow Your Mind: World’s First Selfie and Other Rare Photos: More Mind Blowing Facts: 20 CRAZY Laws that SHOULD be a JOKE but AREN’T: Subscribe to my second channel:


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