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Female Narcissism - MGTOW

I've spent the last few days getting my hands on various articles trying to figure out why our society is giving rise to increasing numbers of female narcissists. I now suspect that all of the relationships I've had in my life except one were with women that were narcissists. The relationships started off being about "us" and then quickly shifted towards their happiness and desires in life. What I wanted was left in the dust. This is another big reason I go my own way. If a woman makes like about Me instead of We then there is no life for man. Maybe I'm naive and maybe it's always been like this. Maybe women in their twenties and thirties have been self-centered since the beginning of time. This all got started when I sent that girl Sailor Spoon a copy of the film American Psycho. I asked her if she had seen it before and she said she had. So I asked her what she thought about Christian Bale's Character, Patrick Bateman? She said she didn't like the stabbing scene in the shower. I quickly realized she was confusing the Alfred Hitchhock film Psycho with American Psycho. I proceeded to explain to her that they were two different films. At that point she couldn't accept the idea that she was wrong and that she had confused the two films. This is one of the first signs of a narcissist. They have to be right even when they are wrong and they are sensitive to criticism and praising them makes them happy. So she watched the film and I spoke with her later. She said she found the film interesting because Patrick Bateman had many similar qualities to her and she really appreciated how he would take care of his body and do facial treatments and how she also had a daily regiment. From the outside she said he was a guy she could relate to. When a woman tells you that she can relate to a fictional serial killer you do one of two things, you run away as fast as you can, or if you're like me you try to figure out what the fuck is happening here? And you try to understand her behavior. So I began looking at the Patrick Bateman character and quickly found out he has NPD or Narcissistic Personality Disorder combined with Psychopathic tendencies. He hates everyone and feels nothing except disgust with himself and rest of humanity. And he wants to inflict the same type of pain he feels onto others. I saw these qualities in her. She hates everyone. Is always in a bad mood unless being praised and wants to inflict pain onto others. When they inflict it back on her she cowers away. And I've noticed that many single women in their twenties, thirties and four-ties are increasingly exhibiting this type of behavior on me because when I work I don't show any interest in them. And only care about doing a good job. Is Female Narcissism on the Rise? #SELFIE (Official Music Video) - The Chainsmokers What, Me Care? Young Are Less Empathetic


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