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The World Is A Stage, Don't Be Fooled by the Coming Deception As a follow-up to our exclusive Natural News story on the Tianjin explosion in China -- which also covered military helicopters in Beijing and "kinetic retaliation" by the Pentagon using exotic space weapons -- I'm offering additional analysis of the global war that's already under way (and where it's headed). There are two things to disclose up front. First, make no mistake: I am pro America in all this. China is an evil, communist regime that enslaves its people and commits heinous crimes against humanity (such as the organ harvesting of political prisoners). Although I am extremely critical of the corrupt Obama regime currently in power in Washington, I am 100% pro-America and pro-freedom (and especially pro-Texas). I offer this information in the hope that America can defend itself against the crippling attacks that will soon be unleashed by China. Secondly, I thought it was common knowledge that I speak conversational Mandarin Chinese and previously lived in Asia, but it seems a lot of people weren't aware of that. I can only speak and listen to Mandarin, I cannot read it, so I rely on translators to help me read Chinese documents. (Documents from mainland China are written in "simplified" Chinese, while those from Taiwan are mostly written in traditional Chinese.) For many years, I have maintained contact with dissident sources in mainland China, and while they aren't 100% accurate, they have proven reliable over time. Learn more:


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