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4th Blood Moon Super Moon Lunar Eclipse September 28 2015 Breaking News

4th Blood Moon Super Moon Lunar Eclipse September 28 2015 Breaking News NASA Blood Moons 2015 What you missed and what is coming SuperMoon September 28 2015 End Times News Update Blood Moons End times news update Eclipse Lunar September 28th 2015 Super Moon 4th Blood Moon Bible Prophecy Breaking News Blood Moons End Times News Update Lunar Eclipse September 28th 2015 Super Moon 4th Blood Moon Bible Prophecy Four Blood Moons Blood Moons Breaking News Blood moon Lunar Eclipse April 4th 2015 Bible Prophecy 4 Blood moons Blood Moons Breaking News 2nd lunar eclipse of four 4 Blood Moons Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse April 4th 2015 Breaking News Bible Prophecy 3rd Blood Moon April 4th 2015 Blood Moon Breaking news 3rd Blood Moon April 4 2015 Solar Eclipse March 20 2015 & Sept 2015 Solar Eclipse March 20 2015 Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Bible Prophecy Breaking News Blood Moons What is going to happen in Israel and the world in 2015 and 2016? God Speaking to Mankind are you listening? The writing is on the wall (Gods Heavens - Sky - Born again Christians look up your redemption draws near) Open the bible look up bible verses on Stars Sun moon for starters - Isaiah 13:9-11, Isaiah 24:23, Joel 2:10-11, Joel 2:30-31, Joel 3:14-15, Matthew 24:29-30 Mark 13:24, Luke 21:25-27 Acts 2:20-21, Revelations 6:12-13 Revelations 8:12 - The Four Blood Moons and the Solar Eclipses fall on biblical dates that involve Israel and the world (all nations) - NASA Total Solar Eclipse of 2015 Mar 20 Blood moons--known as "lunar eclipses"--are a sign used by God to indicate judgment of the nation of Israel. Solar eclipses are a sign for the judgments of the nations of the world. The discovery of the lunar and solar eclipses in 2014/2015 in relationship to God's appointed Festivals in Leviticus 23 The four Blood Moon Lunar eclipses connected to God's Festivals during 2014-2015, occur as follows: Passover (1st Feast) April 15 2014 - Feast of Tabernacles (7th Feast) October 8, 2014 Passover (1st Feast) April 4, 2015 Feast of Tabernacles (7th Feast) September 28, 2015 The two Solar eclipses connected with God’s appointed times during 2014-2015, occur as follows: Adar 29/Nisan 1 (Beginning 1st Month) March 20, 2015 Feast of Trumpets (Beginning of 7th Month) September 13, 2015 Solar Eclipse March 20 2015 & 3rd Blood Moon April 4 2015 Breaking News March 2015 What is going to happen in Israel and the world in 2015? Not if but when Armageddon Final Hour Last Days News Prophecy Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days Trans humanism Elon Musk Telsa CEO says artificial intelligence demons UFO's Aliens Cyborgs Trans humanism deception Demons Fallen Angels Postmodernism Emerging Emergent Church Mysticism ISLAM religion mythology Black Magic


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