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Fukushima News 12/3/15: Fukushima Suicide Settlement; Fuku's 166,000 Tons of Radioactive Waste

Record levels of Fukushima radiation detected off West Coast — Massive plume stretches for more than 1,000 miles — Reuters: Contamination is spreading off U.S. shores — Radioactive cesium reaches 11 Bq/m3 at multiple locations (MAP) Former Japan Official: “Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean… is seriously menacing US West Coast” — “Fukushima now undeniably a global security issue… can’t be brought under control by single state” — Experts: Wave of radiation will be 10 times more than entire world’s nuclear tests combined Fukushima governor OKs radioactive waste disposal Nuclear & Energy Dec. 3, 2015 - Updated 15:34 UTC-5 The governor of Fukushima says he will approve the government's plan to utilize a private facility in the prefecture to dispose of radioactive sludge and ash from the 2011 nuclear accident. This is the first time a prefecture has accepted a radioactive fallout disposal plan amid residents' environmental and health concerns. Masao Uchibori made the announcement on Thursday after meeting mayors of 8 municipalities in the prefecture earlier in the day. Uchibori said he took the difficult step despite the fact he had to ask the municipalities to bear a heavy burden. He said he told the mayors of Tomioka, Naraha and 6 other municipalities of his intention to approve the plan and received their consent. The facility will handle radioactive sludge, straw and incinerated ash, which contain radioactive materials of more than 8,000 becquerels per kilogram. The Environment Ministry plans to nationalize a private-sector facility in Tomioka Town to dispose of the contaminated waste. Trucks carrying radioactive waste will pass through neighboring Naraha Town. Takahama mayor approves nuclear plant restart Nuclear & Energy Dec. 2, 2015 - Updated 22:52 UTC-5 The mayor of a town on the Japan Sea coast that hosts a nuclear power plant has officially approved the restarts of 2 reactors. Takahama Mayor Yutaka Nose told the town's assembly on Thursday that he made his decision from a broad-based perspective. He said Industry Minister Motoo Hayashi assured him at a meeting last month that the central government stands behind its nuclear power policy. He said he also confirmed that a new consultative body will help local governments work out evacuation plans beyond administrative borders in preparation for a serious nuclear accident. Minister: Govt. continues nuclear fuel recycling Nuclear & Energy Nov. 28, 2015 - Updated 08:17 UTC-5 Japan's industry minister Motoo Hayashi says the government will continue to pursue its policy of recycling nuclear fuel. He spoke to reporters after visiting a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Village in Aomori Prefecture, northeastern Japan, on Saturday. It was his first visit to the plant since taking office in October. The facility is a pillar of the government's fuel recycling program. It has suffered a series of problems during test runs. It remains unclear when the plant will start operating. Observers fear that fuel storage pools at nuclear plants nationwide may become full if more reactors are restarted while the Rokkasho plant remains offline. Fukushima’s Radiation Goes Largely Uncovered: A Clear and Present Danger to the US Nuclear waste uncovered along Coldwater Creek; Residents fear higher risk for cancer Wind & Solar Cheaper Than Fossils & Nuclear Now


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