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Mass Animal Deaths March 2015: Birds, Fish, Reindeer, Turtles, Swans & more DEAD!

9th March 2015 - Hundreds of dead turtles, plus hundreds of dead fish found in Bocas del Toro, Panama. 9th March 2015 - 250,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Monywa, Myanmar. 9th March 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found on a beach in Tolu, Colombia. 9th March 2015 - 19 dead turtles found on Pulau Tiga Island in Malaysia. 9th March 2015 - 100+ cattle have died 'due to suspected grass poisoning' in Gujarat, India. 8th March 2015 - 550 dead animals (mainly deer) found, 'due to snow and cold' in Leon, Spain. 7th March 2015 - 1,450 Sea lion pups have washed ashore this year ill and dying - 'possibly 10,000 have died' in California, America. 7th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish wash up in new die off in Lim Chu Kang, Singapore. 6th March 2015 - 600 TONS of dead fish due to algae in fish farms in the east of Singapore. 6th March 2015 - Massive die off of prawns, 'cause unknown' in Aroor, India. 6th March 2015 - 15,000 turkeys dead due to avian flu in Minnesota, America. 6th March 2015 - Hundreds of cattle are dead due to drought in southern Ecuador. 6th March 2015 - 10,000+ cattle dead due to flooding of the river Ebro in Spain. 5th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish wash up on beaches in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Fish dead in Argentina 5th March 2015 - 12 turtles stranded, 3 dead, on a beach in Abruzzo, Italy. 5th March 2015 - 9,000+ birds are dead due to another avian flu outbreak in Bauchi State, Nigeria. 5th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish wash up along Derwent river in Tasmania, Australia. 5th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found in Cabo Frio, Brazil. 5th March 2015 - Millions of birds killed due to avian flu during past 6 months in South Korea. 5th March 2015 - 1,100 Birds killed due to avian flu outbreak in Mekong Delta, Vietnam. 4th March 2015 - 4.17 MILLION birds have been killed since January due to avian flu in Taiwan, China. 4th March 2015 - 300 Snow Geese have died this winter due to disease in Illinois, America. 4th March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found on coast of East Java, Indonesia. 4th March 2015 - 23,500 Birds to be killed due to avian flu in Schwanewede, Germany. 4th March 2015 - INFO: 30 dolphins/whales and 54 turtles wash up dead during 2014 in Abruzzo, Italy. 3rd March 2015 - 'Lots' of dead turtles found on a beach in Piacabucu, Brazil. 3rd March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish, plus dead ducks found in a lagoon in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 3rd March 2015 - Large die off of fish 'due to cold weather' at 3 sites in Nova Scotia, Canada. 3rd March 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a river in Hainan, China. 2nd March 2015 - 100,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in Fuzesgyarmat, Hungary. 2nd March 2015 - Thousands of TONS of shellfish have died off during past few years in Whangarei Harbour, New Zealand. 2nd March 2015 - 3 dead whales found washed ashore in Chennai, India. 2nd March 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond in Aguascalientes, Mexico. 2nd March 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found washed up along Columbia River in Portland, America. 1st March 2015 - Dozens of birds drop dead out of the sky in Tennessee, America. Link 1st March 2015 - Masses of various marine creatures washing ashore dead on Pasir Ris beach in Dead creatures Singapore 1st March 2015 - Mass die off of fish and reptiles due to burst fuel pipe in Tabasco, Mexico. 28th February 2015 - 100 dead or dying turtles found in the Bellinger River in NSW, Australia. 28th February 2015 - 97 dead sea birds found along beaches of the North East coast of France. 28th February 2015 - Hundreds of dead fish found on the banks of a river in Uttar Pradesh, India. 27th February 2015 - 10,000 birds dead, 23,000 killed due to avian flu in Monywa, Myanmar. 26th February 2015 - Fish kill in 2 farm ponds in La Union, Philippines. 25th February 2015 - 5,000 Birds killed due to avian flu in Jigawa State, Nigeria. 25th February 2015 - Thousands of dead fish found, 'no explanation' in the port of Wolfersdorf, France. AND MORE! Join me Live Mon, Wed, Fri 5PM PDT End-Time Broadcast: Be sure to also join me Live on YouTube Tuesdays and Thursdays 5PM PST Our End-Time Prophecy Channel - Subscribe!: Pick up A CD and by doing so your helping the Urgent and Vital work of this end-time ministry! Will You Help Us Do Even More? Please Donate:


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