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Resurrection Village: Move along to where?

Resurrection Village is a self-managed, safe, clean, and positive space for houseless people in the Denver metro area. Currently there is an Unauthorized Camping Ban in place which criminalizes the houseless population by making it illegal to sleep/rest outside while using blankets, sleeping bags, tents, and anything else other than clothing to protect themselves from the elements. According to the 2015 Point In Time Count, there are at least 6,130 people experiencing homelessness (houselessness) in the Denver metro area. No matter how you count the number of shelter beds, even with the most liberal counts, there are at least a thousand people in the area who must sleep outside. The option is cover yourself and break the law, or freeze. Denver Homeless Out Loud (DHOL) is pushing the Colorado government to pass the Right To Rest Bill, which among securing other basic rights, would allow using more than one's clothing to protect and shelter oneself from the elements. DHOL is also trying to secure a temporary and then permanent home for a Tiny Village. To learn more and to support our efforts, go here: and


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