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Fukushima Radioactive FIRE of Waste & More Deaths Update 3/5/16

"Temporary Storage" of radioactive bags of debris caught fire. The fire of dead branches and grass burned for five hours. The poor Google translation from Japanese to English reads: except dyeing waste temporary storage facilities in fire except TV Asahi network (ANN) Burns, such as Bacillus subtilis 5 h 3/5 (Saturday) 17:47 Namie-machi, Fukushima Prefecture delivery that infects the waste temporary storage facilities in case of a fire and the dead branches and grass burned about 5 hours. According to police, 5, 10:00, located in Namie-machi Kakura except infects the waste temporary storage facilities in the fire is out. Are burned except infects the dead branches and grass, is that before stuffing the bags was stacked in the premises. Took about 5 hours to be put out, but wasn't injured. That did not have a working site was in the decontamination work at the time, the use of fire, and police are checking the cause of the fire. Last update: 3/5 (Saturday) 19:15 nnn news From Floods, to Fires, to Wind, to Bags being torn open and weeds growing out of them, death and sickness of those who come in contact with radioactive dust/debris... We Simply Can Not Afford Nuclear Energy! Look at the True Cost! ~~~ 3,400 survivors of 2011 disaster have since died Abe visits cattle ranch in Fukushima People hit by 2011 disaster face money problems Marukawa visits radioactive waste storage site Fukushima children less overweight Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace Forest Near Fukushima Is Now Riddled With Mutations 除染廃棄物の仮置き場で火事 5時間枯草など燃える テレビ朝日系(ANN) 3月5日(土)17時47分配信  福島県浪江町にある除染で出た廃棄物の仮置き場で火事があり、約5時間にわたって枯れ枝や枯れ草が燃えました。  警察によりますと、5日午前10時すぎ、浪江町加倉にある除染で出た廃棄物の仮置き場で火が出ました。燃えたのは除染で出た枯れ枝や枯れ草で、袋に詰める前に敷地内に積み上げられていたということです。消し止められるまで約5時間掛かりましたが、けが人はいませんでした。現場は当時除染作業中でしたが、火を使う作業はしていなかったということで、警察が出火の原因を調べています。 Thank you to RadChick for sending me that info! Experts Bird Poop Shuts Down Indian Point Nuclear Plant NYC Highest Cancer % USA TV: Shocking number of cancers around leaking nuclear plant near NYC… Tens of thousands of cases recently reported… “More than anywhere else in US”… “Why is this story not being covered by everybody?” — Teacher: “I can’t believe the number of teachers who have gotten cancer” (VIDEOS) song called In Peace (reprise) by lazztunes07 on ccdigmixter and part of Loose Control by /Stefan Kartenberg on ccdigmixter *Note: I had to reverse the image of the radioactive debris fire and wiggle the image angles because of copyright issues. When I uploaded the original - it was blocked world wide.


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