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This Won't End Well – U.S. Just Sent an Entire Carrier Strike Group to Confront China

The U.S. Navy has dispatched a carrier strike group to the South China Sea. The carrier John C. Stennis, two destroyers, two cruisers and the 7th Fleet flagship have sailed into the disputed waters in recent days, according to military officials. The carrier strike group is the latest show of force in the tense region, with the U.S. asserting that China is militarizing the region to guard its excessive territorial claims. Overnight, Chinese officials dismissed claims that China was militarizing the region, pointing to the Stennis's patrol as evidence that the U.S. was to blame for the increased military tensions. “The accusation [that China is militarizing the region] can lead to a miscalculation of the situation,” said Fu Ying, a spokeswoman for China's National People's Congress. “If you take a look at the matter closely, it’s the US sending the most advanced aircraft and military vessels to the South China Sea." We also discuss China in Bible Prophecy. A must hear! Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life: Have you been blessed by our ministry broadcast? Please show your support and appreciation for the hard work invested by donating: Online: or mail: PO Box 9570 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701. Thank you and God richly bless you in Jesus name, Amen. Be sure to visit our website and make yourself at home:


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