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BREAKING: Russia Breaks Arms Treaty DOUBLES Nuclear Warheads

So much for the START Treaty... A must hear! Russia has doubled the number of nuclear warheads in its arsenal by adding multiple, independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs, a Pentagon official tells The Washington Free Beacon. The buildup violates the New START arms treaty between the United States and Russia, which calls for a reduction in warheads by February 2018, the unnamed official said, according to Free Beacon. The United States has decreased its arsenal in recent years while Russia has added deployed warheads and new weapons. The treaty limit is 1,550 warheads — the State Department in January said the U.S. was below the mark at 1,538, and Russia was above it, at 1,648. "The Russians are doubling their warhead output," the official said, according to the Free Beacon report. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life: Have you been blessed by our ministry broadcast? Please show your support and appreciation for the hard work invested by donating: Online: or mail: PO Box 9570 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701. Thank you and God richly bless you in Jesus name, Amen. Be sure to visit our website and make yourself at home:

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