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Despite CIA Warnings, Obama Admin Brings In 441 Syrian Refugees Since Orlando Shooting
Video Transcript: On Thursday, the CIA Director warned the U.S. that ISIS is trying to get into the U.S., disguised as refugees. JOHN BRENDAN: We judge that ISIL is training and attempting to deploy operatives for further attacks. ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the West. And the group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West including: in refugee flows, smuggling routes and legitimate methods of travel. Yet according to the State Department, 441 refugees have been admitted since the June 12 shooting in Orlando, Florida. Four dozen have resettled in Florida and Governor Rick Scott is furious at Obama. SCOTT: After the Paris attacks, I was on a call with the White House and I said, “Will you share vetting information from anybody that comes into our state, that you’re going to send to my state?” And they said no. BRIAN KILMEADE: You’re talking about the Syrian refugees that could be coming our direction and have come here? SCOTT: The White House said they will not share that information with Florida law enforcement. They said, “Oh, those people have privacy rights.” What about our security rights? The security at making sure if you live in my state you’re going to be safe. I’m responsible for the safety of people in my state. I’m fed up with the fact that we’re not destroying ISIS. We’re not vetting these people. We’re not taking care of our own citizens. We have got to start standing up for this country. This is our country. We have to say, “We’re going to vet people before they come into our country. If you disagree with what our country believes in, why in the living daylights are you allowed in our country?”

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