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Very important news up-date. US Vets protest against Obama martial law plans
MARTIAL LAW and FEMA DEATH CAMPS Ex Navy SEAL says׃ “OBAMA is creating conditions to impose it “ 2016 April 10th, 2016 - Words from Jesus to Sister Clare May the Lord give us courage and hope, Heartdwellers. I began tonight's prayer with... Jesus, there is so much I want to understand. But mostly I want to hear what You want to talk about. He answered me... "Very well, then. Let’s discuss war, famine and pestilence in this country. The horses of the Apocalypse: famine deliberately engineered is coming, disease deliberately engineered is coming. Much death and destruction is looming over this nation. I have not yet allowed it to touch down, but everyone has a sense that it is coming. Not many understand it is the sins of this nation that will bring it down." "What this country has sown, militarily, it shall reap. Instability, famine, fear, atrocities, all these things are waiting in the wings to be turned loose on this nation. I have warned people for years, upon years, upon years and only because My mercy has delayed it. I have not been taken seriously by the general population, so eaten up with greed and accumulating goods are they, even those who call themselves My own." "But when the fabric of this nation dissolves the only ones to escape will be those who follow Me without wavering. And yet there will be martyrdom for some. That will be a crown, not a punishment. For a while after the devastation hits there will be unprecedented conversions until the government can regroup and begin the regime of the Antichrist. Many have already been conscripted to his service in underground cities - those that survive that is. Many have also been trained and readied for induction and it is just a matter of time before they swing into action." "Military defeat is key to placing America under one world rule. Though the communists and other regimes are used to bring this nation down, in the end they, too, will yield to the one world rule. In short, all are working together, networked into a massive conglomeration of nations under the strictest control of the Antichrist. As things become more organized and young adults are enthusiastically offer their lives to the world government, things will become tighter and tighter and stricter and more difficult to slip through unnoticed. This is when the mark will be instituted." "The Jewish people will be the leading, number one force of evangelization world-wide. They will be dedicated to bringing in the reign of Messiah upon earth. Neither family nor life will stop them in their zeal. Rather they will be on fire and infused with a special anointing to carry out My will."

We are seeking people who want to help start an Tiny House Ecovillage, In Oklahoma. The goal is to help homeless and low income.

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