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NYC Sees Hundreds Rallying Against Fatal Police Shootings
On Thursday hundreds of people marched through the streets of midtown Manhattan to protest the recent police-related shootings of two black men. First gathering in Union Square Park and chanting the protesters then left the park and began marching up Fifth Avenue as police scrambled to keep up. A 20-year-old Brooklyn student Michael Houston, said anger and lack of action brought him to the protest. Another student from Brooklyn, 35 year old Lawrence Amsterdam decried what he called the police injustice. The protests follow two high profile police shootings. A Minnesota officer fatally shot Philando Castile while he was in a car with a woman and a child in a St. Paul suburb. A day earlier, Alton Sterling was shot in Louisiana. Sterling had been pinned to the pavement by two white officers. The murder was also captured on video. This video was produced by YT Wochit News using

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