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[699] U.S. prison strike hitting California’s pocketbook

South African prosecutors charge Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan over supposed fraud, and new emails surface showing that former Wells Fargo executive Carrie Tolstedt may have been informed about the company’s fraudulent practices years in 2005. Edward Harrison has the details on both stories. Then, Bianca Facchinei kicks off Boom Bust’s special BRICS 2016 coverage with a breakdown of the economic blocs history. Ameera David then reports from Goa, India on how this year’s host country has managed to continue growing despite strong headwinds. After the break, Nomi Prins, author of “All the President’s Bankers,” joins Edward to discuss everything from the IMF to Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. And finally, in The Big Deal, Ashlee Banks examines the largest prison strike in U.S. history, and how it’s hurting California revenues. Take a look! Check us out on Facebook -- and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @


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