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Bill Clinton ‘Son’ Tells Hillary Step Aside

Bill Clinton ‘Son’ Tells Hillary Step Aside. Source: My name is Danney Lee Williams. I have many compelling reasons to believe that I am the biological son of former President William Jefferson Clinton — also known as Bill Clinton. I am simply seeking the truth, and thus I am respectfully requesting that former President Clinton supply a court verified sample of his DNA to be compared with mine to determine paternity. Before passing judgment, I ask the citizens and media of this great nation to honestly review the evidence and my reasoning. I also would like to shed light on how the widely reported DNA test in 1999 – which allegedly disproves that he and I are not father and son — was in fact fundamentally flawed in how it was executed and reported thereafter. In 1999, various news organizations including the Washington Post and Time reported that I was not Bill Clinton’s son based on a widely reported DNA test that was based on the DNA report included in independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s impeachment report and a DNA sample that was taken from me. This is false. In fact, the test proved to be inconclusive because the Starr report did not contain the necessary data to reach such a conclusion. The Starr report only included the results of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that the FBI used to determine whether Clinton’s DNA matched Ms. Lewinsky’s dress. In fact this is not enough data to determine if Bill Clinton is my father or not. FBI lab’s test refraction fragmented length polymorphism (RFLP) would also be required to make this determination. The PCR test alone would not be enough to legally prove or disprove paternity. The truth is that in 1985, during the time I was conceived, my mother was a single parent raising two boys on her own. She would sometimes sell herself to men to make ends meet for her family. During this dark period in her life, Governor Clinton was the only Caucasian man she was having sexual relations with at the time I was conceived. In 1997, my mother passed a lie detector test conducted by investigative reporters to corroborate her claimed that Bill Clinton was her only white suitor at the time she conceived her bi-racial son. I have seen also the physical resemblance between myself and President Clinton — the facial features, nose, chin line — that strongly suggest a biological connection, which has been pointed out by thousands of people across the nation. For 30 years, my mother has stood firm on the claim that Bill Clinton is my father, and never once has she recanted her story… nor has my Aunt Lucille, who bared witness to my mother’s account. According to my mother and aunt, when President Bill Clinton was governor, he took on some responsibility as a parent, by providing some financial assistance. They both told me that a man driving a car with state tags, placed an envelope of cash in my mother’s mailbox every month and that the envelope always included seven crisp $100 bills. They also told me that an Arkansas State Trooper brought Christmas presents to our home for me every year. I read a retired State Trooper Larry Patterson also confirmed this in his book which I bought in a yard sale one summer. To me it seemed that President Clinton wanted to be involved in my life, even if it was only in the smallest capacity. Like Us on facebook. Please subscribe For up todate intel about the Event and Disclosure go to our website: The Event Is Coming Soon


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