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Hillary Does NOT Want You To See This Latest Leak!

The recent Wikileaks release cover the gambit of things that we all suspected such as Hillary Clinton’s connection to the Big Banks and Walmart. Lee highlights the shocking details we can find in the speeches to Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, and Fidelity Bank. Are the details really as damning as we thought? Was there a reason why she wouldn’t release the transcripts of these speeches despite being asked multiple times by various media sources? Lee Camp breaks it all down on Redacted Tonight VIP. GET FREE TICKETS to be in our LIVE AUDIENCE in Washington DC! Email OTHER CITIES - We tour regularly with live stand-up comedy. For a list of where we'll be performing our stand-up comedy shows, go here - Join the ‘Redactivist’ movement online... Subscribe to the Redacted Tonight YouTube channel for more comedy news with saber tooth tiger teeth: Find Redacted Tonight on Facebook for source material about our stories and daily updates: Follow us on Twitter for funny, informative info and to participate in our weekly ‘Redactivist’ hashtag: Visit Lee Camp’s official site to listen to the ‘Moment of Clarity: The Backstage of Redacted Tonight’ podcast w/ Lee and John F.O’Donnell: *****


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