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Kathleen Willey in Spin Room: ’Hillary Clinton Is A Fake Feminist’

FOX Reporter: “I wanted to ask you: What is it like being in the same room with Bill Clinton after all these years?” Kathleen Willey: “It’s not easy. Not easy.” FOX Reporter: “And how important is it to you to be a part of this election so many years after your alleged assault took place?” Kathleen Willey: “I came here for one reason. One reason is to point out that these are not infidelities that the mainstream media wants us to all think they are. Sexual assaults, rapes, and sexual harassment are not infidelities - period. They are crimes and they are felonies. Hillary Clinton is a fake feminist. A champion of women does not attack the victims of sexual assault and rape.” FOX Reporter: “What do you say to people who say that this is old news and no one cares about these stories anymore?” Kathleen Willey: “I don’t think it is old news. I don’t think it is. Maybe his affairs, his sexual affairs, I’m sorry, are old news, but I don’t think this is old news at all. I mean, these are important issues. These are woman’s issues today. Younger women, the millenials, are paying a whole lot more attention to this than they did before. When I was growing up, when I was young, it was ‘men will be men - deal with it.’ Young woman today don’t put up with it. And a lot them, were too young or not yet born when all this happened and I think it’s important that they hear these stories.”


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