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Germany: Refugees rally against poor conditions in Berlin migrant camps

Refugees staying at the Lager Camp in Wedding, Berlin organised a protest against the poor conditions and facilities inside the camp, Thursday. One refugee, Zohrre Jafar, who has been at the camp for just over a year, said "it is super hard to live inside the camp because you have to wait to use any facilities inside like the bathrooms and when you have children like me it is even worse." SOT, Zohre Jafari, refugee (Arabic): "It is super hard to live inside the camp because you have to wait to use any facilities inside like the bathrooms and when you have children like me it is even worse. We can't sleep because it is always too noisy, because there is only one big room for a lot of people. I have been here for 13 months already and it feels like it's been 10 years." ¤SOT, Zohre Jafari, refugee (Arabic): "We have been told that we can be moved to another place that it is even worse that this camp, dirtier. Also we can be moved to the camp in Tempelhof airport which is one of the biggest, so they are trying to scare people so we keep silent." SOT, Aya Othman, refugee (Farsi): "The camp is really dirty. There are mice and rats inside the camp and many children are getting sick of this situation." Video ID: 20161124- 044 Video on Demand: Contact: Twitter: Facebook:


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