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Is Dallas, Texas Bankrupt? - What You Need To Know

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the struggles many in Dallas are facing as the city faces bankruptcy. With panicked retirees pulling out $220 million in six weeks as restrictions on withdrawals are put in place, this is just one of many reasons why the good people of Dallas have to pay attention. We talk all the time about sound money here at WAM and we break down how it plays into this recent development. The people of Texas are historically strong and vigilant. They don't like to be pushed into debt slavery or big government regulatory choke-holds. They've been known to stand up to government and central planner coercion and trampling of their civil liberties. We truly hope the people of Texas continue to stand up against this out of control system built to push the populace into servitude. We will continue to cover this issue as it further develops. Watch the full report to get the full picture! Video edited by Josh Sigurdson Featuring: John Thore Stub Sneisen Josh Sigurdson Graphics by Bryan Foerster and Josh Sigurdson Visit us at LIKE us on Facebook here: Follow us on Twitter here: DONATE HERE: Help keep independent media alive! Pledge here and you may be rewarded! ANARCHAPULCO OFFER: Save 10% on your tickets to Anarchapulco by typing in promo code "WAM" at the link below! World Alternative Media 2016 "Find the truth, be the change!"


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