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Pay Attention, They Are About to Strip Freedoms by Staging Events The crackdown on protesters in North Dakota, he implied, are links of one chain of oppression by the US government, which had been mistreating Native Americans “since day one.” On Sunday, police officers in Morton County used water cannon and rubber bullets on unarmed pipeline protesters, who have been occupying the federally-owned land since August. “They are really serious about this and they will kill people if necessary. They would prefer not to, because it’s bad press, but they will continue to ratchet this up,” Churchill said. “It is not just police that is involved this. You have this mercenary forces, in this case its is TigerSwan, which is a spin of Blackwater, that is ran by a former Delta Force Cornell, and uses special operatives.” Over 160 people have been injured in standoffs with law enforcement over the weekend. However, Churchill said, it is “very difficult to separate out” police activities from those of “this mercenary group.” Despite the Legislature’s intent to keep money out of politics in Friday’s vote for a constitutional convention, the move was a victory for billionaire George Soros, whose financial backing of The Young Turks and Wolf PAC helped influence state lawmakers. MRC Business reported back in May, 2011 that George Soros ALSO funds Young Turks, through Media Consortium, which has been covering Black Lives Matter salaciously, predictably attacking all critics as "racists". This is the same tactic that has been used by communists for decades, Leon Trotsky often considered to be an early progenitor of the practice. Learn More:


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