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Ron Paul: Shadow Government Will Stage False Flags To Bring Trump Into War

Dr. Ron Paul recently noted on Russia Today that even if Donald Trump is anti-establishment and non-interventionist in his demagoguery, he will not have any say against those within the secret shadow government. Dr. Paul worries that the shadow government will create false flag attacks and use an artificial crisis to bring Trump into war. He notes that a new Pearl Harbor can be in the making. Whether it's the government causing an attack or allowing an attack as we've seen so many times before. Josh Sigurdson breaks down what Dr. Paul is saying and why he's so right. We've seen the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, CIA, central bankers, ESF and so many other shadow government organizations cause false flags, whether militaristic or financial. As Dr. Ron Paul mentions, the military industrial complex is simply militaristic keynesianism. Whether it's globalism, or nationalism, authoritarianism continues to be on the rise as people fall into servitude to the state in their manufactured poverty, debt and propagated indoctrination, accepting coercive collectivism. This is Hegelian and only repeats itself perpetually. We cannot be the policemen of the world and we cannot allow ourselves to be controlled and coerced. We should stand up as voluntary individuals against a vast ship of state plundering our free will at every opportunity. Stay tuned for more from WAM! Video edited by Josh Sigurdson Featuring: Josh Sigurdson Graphics by Bryan Foerster and Josh Sigurdson *FAIR USE NOTICE* Visit us at LIKE us on Facebook here: Follow us on Twitter here: DONATE HERE: Help keep independent media alive! Pledge here and you may be rewarded! ANARCHAPULCO OFFER: Save 10% on your tickets to Anarchapulco by typing in promo code "WAM" at the link below! World Alternative Media 2016 "Find the truth, be the change!"


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