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Russia, Turkey, Cyprus and others send planes to tackle Israel fires

fanpage: The Financial Times, Sun, Metro, the i and the online edition of the Telegraph all cover the ongoing fires across northern and central Israel, which continued yesterday for a third consecutive day. Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from their homes, especially in the northern city of Haifa, where buildings were destroyed. All reports say that Israeli officials suspect that arson is to blame for some of the fires. The Financial Times, Independent and City AM all emphasise that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that serious action will be taken by anyone found guilty of “arson terrorism”. City AM includes Netanyahu’s comment that “whoever tried to burn parts of Israel will be punished severely”. The Telegraph online notes that some Israeli commentators yesterday began to refer to the blazes as the “fire intifada”. As the fires spread, the hashtag “Israel is burning” trended on social media in a number of Arab countries. The Guardian highlights the international help to tackle the blazes, with planes having arrived from countries including Russia, Turkey and Cyprus. The i says that Israeli authorities “have revived plans” for the construction of 500 homes in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ramat Shlomo. The article suggests that supporters of Israeli construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem have been “encouraged by the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency”. The Financial Times includes a feature on Israeli success in exporting TV dramas to broadcasters across the world. The Daily Mail covers new research by scientists at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, which they believe may have found a solution to combat the tendency to quickly regain weight following a successful diet. In the Israeli media, the ongoing battle to tackle fires across the country dominates Yediot Ahronot, Israel Hayom, Maariv and Haaretz. Yediot Ahronot leads with the simple headline “Country in flames”. While Israel Hayom brands the blazes “arson terror,” Alex Fishman in Yediot Ahronot says that while “there is clear proof of deliberate arson… ‎from here to calling this wave of fires in the last three days a ‘‎fire Intifada,’ ‎the road is still long”. Fishman warns that “When the prime minister calls this terror, even if he doesn’‎t say Arabs, a link is made that is supposed to be understood by everyone, ‘‎this is a wave of terror, the Arabs are burning down the country’”. Israel Radio news reports that eight arrests have been made on suspicion of arson and that the Jerusalem-area community of Beit Meir was evacuated overnight as ten houses caught fire. In other news, Yediot Ahronot, Maariv and Israel Hayom all cover the death of Sgt. Ido Ben-Ari, a 20-year-old tank commander who was killed early yesterday in a training accident on the Golan Heights, after his tank overturned. Three other members of his crew were lightly injured in the incident, which is being investigated by the IDF. Yediot Ahronot includes the latest development in the so-called ‘submarine affair,’ in which the purchase of three German submarines is suspected of having been influenced by the business interests of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s lawyer. An interview with Brig. Gen. (res.) Yeshayahu Bareket, who was responsible for previous submarine purchases from Germany, reveals a situation where “If what he says is true, then there is suspicion of very grave institutional corruption that calls into question everything that led up to the deal”.


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