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FOX News Reports FAKE NEWS About Food Stamp Fraud - MSNBC Catches Them in a LIE

Republicans backed by FOX News have been using a narrative of Food Stamps stamp recipients being solely a Democratic problem. In fact most food stamp recipients reside in Republican Governed Red states not Democratic states. Newt Gingrich once called Barack Obama the "Food Stamp President" in a Republican Debate although Gingrich didn't account for the massive unemployment that resulted in the Bush years that Obama inherited and that George Bush's Presidency saw far more Food Stamps issued in his tenure than Obama. What is alarming is how Gingrich and the Republicans have tried to make this a Black issue even as far back as the Reagan Presidency when he said that he can imagine a "Strapping Young Buck" paying for his T-Bone Steak with food stamps. The "Young Buck" term to whites down South, generally denotes a large black man.


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