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Ben Swann show us how the news about Syria and Aleppo is mostly all FAKE NEWS #okc #news #wth

Ben Swann show us how the news about Syria and Aleppo is mostly all FAKE NEWS Proof That Those Moderate Rebels in Syria are Really Jihadists   OGA note. I had a lot of consternation coming to grips that most if not all the "news" we hear and see about Syria and Aleppo is staged and Faked, but it truly is. Remember the little-wounded boy in the orange seat in the brand new sparkling clean ambulance we saw so many times, yep it was FAKE 0-00 well one week ago I told you that 0-01 national media is not giving you the 0-03 full story about what is happening in 0-05 Syria specifically that the Free Syrian 0-07 Army and the so-called Syrian rebels who 0-10 have now lost control of Eastern Aleppo 0-12 are not freedom fighters they are in 0-14 fact aligned with terror organizations 0-16 and while tens of thousands of you have 0-18 voiced their support some other media 0-20 are asking me where's the proof tonight 0-23 the proof in a reality check you won't 0-25 see anywhere else 0-28 well as i told you national media has 0-31 framed the fight in Syria and for Aleppo 0-33 as anti-assad rebels against Syrian 0-36 President Bashar al-assad what they do 0-38 not say is that throughout Syria there 0-40 are really only two groups fighting 0-42 against Assad Isis and al-qaeda in 0-45 fairness that is a crude assessment in 0-47 reality there are dozens of small 0-48 malicious and factions fighting Assad 0-50 the Free Syrian Army it's always been 0-52 made up of many different smaller groups 0-54 for the for the sake of explaining how 0-55 jihadis are actually the ones fighting 0-57 this on we're going to refer to the Free 0-59 Syrian Army here as if it is one group 1-01 the free syrian army was formed in july 1-04 of 2011 but within just one year there 1-07 were already widespread reports that 1-09 al-qaeda in Syria had infiltrated in 1-12 2012 i became the first reporter to 1-13 question President Obama directly about 1-15 the US Army a group that had members of 1-18 al-qaeda there's some concern about the 1-20 u.s. funding the a Syrian opposition 1-23 when there are a lot of reports that 1-24 al-qaeda is kind of heading up that 1-26 opposition 1-26 how do you justify the two well I share 1-29 that concern and so what we've done is 1-32 to say we will provide non-lethal 1-34 assistance to Syrian opposition 1-37 leadership that are committed to a 1-40 political transition committed to 1-43 a an observance of human rights while 1-47 there were non jihadist rebels in the 1-49 original free syrian army they did not 1-52 last long 1-53 one year later in 2013 the CIA began 1-55 delivering weapons to those Syrian 1-57 rebels the shipments began streaming 1-59 into the country over the past two weeks 2-00 along with separate deliveries by the 2-02 State Department of vehicles and other 2-04 gear a flow of material that marks a 2-06 major escalation of the u.s. role in 2-09 syria's civil war that was the 2-10 washington post in 2013 2-13 but things only got worse because while 2-14 the weapons were flowing in well so 2-16 we're jihadist and by sep tember of 2013 2-19 london-based global defense consultancy 2-21 group IHS Jane's reported that 10,000 of 2-25 the estimated 100,000 insurgent fighters 2-27 were linked to al-qaeda another thirty 2-29 to thirty-five thousand belong to 2-31 powerful factions that were fighting for 2-33 an Islamic state within a larger Middle 2-35 East Calif it stretching from the 2-37 Atlantic to the indian ocean now in 2-39 addition to that that report showed at 2-42 least a further thirty thousand 2-43 moderates belonging to groups that have 2-45 an Islamic character that means that by 2-48 late 2013 only 25 to 30,000 so-called 2-51 rebel fighters were part of secular 2-53 nationalist groups again that's 2-55 twenty-five to thirty percent of the 2-57 rebel force that could be considered 2-59 friendly to the west seventy to 3-01 seventy-five percent of forces against 3-03 Assad 2013george honest but that didn't 3-07 stop the u.s. from sending funding and 3-09 sending weapons and with some members of 3-11 Congress like Senator Rand Paul 3-12 insisting that these rebels were jihadis 3-14 by 2015 the u.s. committed five hundred 3-17 million dollars to find and train 3-19 ...


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