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Is Trump Provoking a Religious Holly War Between Christians and Muslims? "It's not about religion" #okc #news #wth

(CNN, Fox News) World leaders and prominent figures have blasted US President Donald Trump's temporary ban on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States as divisive, illegal, insulting and discriminatory.Trump signed an executive order Friday barring citizens from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Sudan from entering the country for 90 days and suspended the admission of all refugees for 120 days. The order indefinitely bans entry of those fleeing from war-torn Syria. While many countries have lambasted the ban, Muslim-majority nations not on the blacklist have remained largely silent -- with the exception of Pakistan. Australia, which has implemented hard-line policies against refugees, was one of the few nations to voice support for the ban. Iran: Trump's immigration order is "insulting" and a "gift to extremists," the Foreign Affairs Ministry said. Iran will take "reciprocal measures in order to safeguard the rights of its citizens until the time of the removal of the insulting restrictions of the government of the United States against Iranian nationals." Iraq: The Foreign Ministry expressed its "regret and astonishment" over the ban, saying it was "unfortunate" the decision had been made, despite the two nations achieving victories in their joint fight against ISIS. "It is necessary that the new American administration reconsider this wrong decision, and we affirm Iraq's real desire to strengthen and develop the strategic partnership between the two countries and increase the prospects of cooperation in the counter-terrorism field and economic sphere and all (that) serves both countries' interests." Sudan: "The Sudanese citizens living in the United States are known for their good reputation, respect for American laws, and their lack of involvement in radical and criminal acts," the Foreign Affairs Ministry said, adding that the Sudanese people are "heirs to the ancient Nile River civilization, which is marked by tolerance and peaceful coexistence." The ministry called on Washington to remove Sudan from the US list of states that sponsor terrorism. Yemen: The ban is "not justified" and "supports the terrorists and sows divisions among people," Yemen's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Abdel-Malak al-Mekhlafi posted on Twitter. The Foreign Ministry said that attempts to classify Yemeni citizens as a probable source for terrorism were "illegal and illegitimate." Britain: Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson described the ban as "divisive and wrong," while London Mayor Sadiq Khan said the move was "shameful and cruel." Their comments came two days after Prime Minister Theresa May became the first foreign leader to officially meet with Trump. May and Trump had celebrated their countries' "special relationship" Friday, and just hours later the order was signed. May came under pressure from MPs to condemn the ban. She eventually put out a statement saying her government did "not agree" with it, but said immigration was "a matter for the government of the United States." France: Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said that welcoming refugees was "a duty of solidarity." "Terrorism doesn't have a nationality; discrimination is not an answer," he said on Twitter. Germany: "The necessary and decisive fight against terrorism in no way justifies a general suspicion against people of certain beliefs, in this case people of the Muslim faith or from a certain origin," Chancellor Angela Merkel said. "These actions, according to my beliefs, are against the core idea of international aid for refugees and international cooperation." A spokesman for Merkel earlier said that the Chancellor had called Trump on Saturday to explain to him the United States' obligations under the Geneva Convention on refugees. Turkey: Refugees are welcome, said Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek on Twitter, in one of the few statements to emerge from a Muslim-majority country not on Trump's blacklist. "We'd happily welcome global talent not allowed back into #USA," he wrote. Australia: "It is vital that every nation is able to control who comes across its borders," Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said, becoming one of the few leaders to openly show support for the ban. Turnbull spoke to Trump on Sunday to discuss "the importance of border security and the threat of illegal and irregular migration." Under a "one-off" agreement, Australia plans to transfer hundreds of refugees currently held in offshore detention centers to the US. Some 1,300 people, including registered refugees, are being held in the Australian government centers on the Pacific Island nation of Nauru and on Papua New Guinea's Manus Island. Canada: Closer to home, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defended the importance of welcoming refugees, without explicitly referring to Trump's executive order. He said that those fleeing persecution, terror and war were welcome in Canada.


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