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JFK Assassination Clue Hidden in PLAIN SIGHT #okc #news #wth

LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE this video! Subscribe here: Official stories like the JFK assassination and 9/11 come from governments, governments are typically run by criminals and criminals are not to be trusted. Asking a government to give us an official report on criminal activity that MAY have been cause by them, is like asking the fox guard the hen house and install the security system. Not real smart. Some call this cycle the Hegelian Dialectic: Problem, Reaction, Solution. The perpetrator creates a problem, waits for the desired reaction and sells the public on the pre-planned solution which always works in the favor of the entity who started the problem in the first place. Nice and convenient. Official reports usually come from governments, are filtered through Government-influened MainStream media outlets, then packaged for the masses, popularized, repeated often and consumed without question. Those who question that story are viewed as tin-foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists who have imagined a great and laughable fiction. Of course the derogatory term “conspiracy theorist” is often used by Official Story-tellers to dismiss critical thinkers and create distain toward those who just can’t seem to swallow outlandish governmental fairytales. It seems that the more government officials are involved in the investigation of a crime, the more outlandish the Official story becomes. Case in point: Most people know that John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was murdered in cold blood on Friday, November 22, 1963, at 12:30pm Central Standard Time on Elm Street’s Dealey Plaza, in Dallas, Texas. A ten-month investigation from November 1963 to September 1964 by the LBJ-initiated Warren Commission (which included Gerald Ford who would later become the 38th president of the United States) solidified the OFFICIAL STORY in its 889 page report. Briefly, one vital segment of that report included the incredible explanation now known as Arlin Spector’s single bullet theory. Spector, later went on to be a US Senator for Pennsylvania. It appears that everyone wants to talk about the location from which this bullet originated, its trajectory and the damage this bullet is alleged to have caused, but no one wants to talk about the condition of this bullet after having caused so much damage. So, here’s the story for your review, consideration and comment. This portion of the Warren Commision’s fantastic tail, concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by a LONE NUT-CASE-sniper named Lee Harvey Oswald, who, allegedly, fired this 6.5 mm Mannlicher Carcano bolt action rifle, with a cheap and unreliable Japanese scope, 3 times in approximately 6.5 seconds over and through a tree at the Presidential limousine from the sixth floor, southeast corner window, of the Texas School Book Depository as the limo was moving away at speeds ranging from 8-19 miles per hour. One of the three bullets, they declared, was said to have left this rifle, entered Kennedy’s back, exited his throat, then entered Texas Governor John Connally’s shoulder shattering his fifth right rib, exited his chest, entered, broke and exited his right wrist and punctured his left thigh. What did that bullet look like after making such an incredible journey through the bodies of two men, breaking through hard bone, tendons, ligaments and soft tissue? Enter Commission Exibit 399. This same bullet, which the commission claims to have done all that damage, looks better than it would have if it was fired at and came to rest in a drum filled with cotton. That single bullet (dubbed by critics as the “magic bullet”) was alleged to have rolled off John Connally’s stretcher at Parkland Hospital where the president was pronounced dead. So, here’s the question for you: Do bullets which make contact with targets like layers of fabric, soft tissue and bone, or even ballistics gel, for that matter, maintain such a pristine shape after impact? If you liked this video, share it with those in your life who still believe the official stories and government fairytales. Thumbs up and share this video with others, let us know your thoughts and subscribe to this channel, OneTruth4Life, right here on YouTube. For updates and additional content like us on facebook and follow us on Twitter. Despite multiple testimonies of eye witness (including police officers and secret service men) that they heard shots fired from the grassy knoll fence line, Johnson’s Warren Commission stuck with Arlin Spector’ Single bullet, lone assassin position. Something to note: The public isn't allowed to see the Zappruder film until it airs on Good Night America in March of 1975


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