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Rand Paul Reveals ObamaCare Replacement Plan #okc #news #wth

Fox News’ Bret Baier: “Senator Paul joins us tonight from Washington. Senator, thanks for being here. What about this repeal and replace at the same time? Explain how this works.” Kentucky Senator Rand Paul: “Well, actually I don’t want to delay the repeal. I’m all for the repeal as soon as we can get to it. But we should vote on replacement the same day. And I’m putting together a bill that will be out this week that will be a consensus replacement bill. There are many bills, probably fifty different Republican bills. Some of them have been out two and three decades for the replacement part. What we want to do in the replacement is, legalize the ability to buy inexpensive insurance. Get rid of the ObamaCare mandates. Let any insurance product be sold, particularly inexpensive insurance products. That’s number one. Let people save, tax free. Give them tax credits for health savings accounts so they can buy insurance. And then the third thing we want to do is let individuals come together as a part of groups or associations so they can buy their insurance as part of a big pool to have leverage to get lower prices and also so they don’t get affected by adverse things like pre-existing conditions. So basically, we put together the most popular and I think there is a consensus. I think it will pass overwhelmingly in the House. The question in the Senate is, will Democrats be willing to work with us to replace ObamaCare?”


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