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Syria: Russian sappers and Uran-6 robot detonate IEDs in Aleppo #okc #news #wth

Russian sappers continued to clear residential areas of eastern Aleppo of explosive devices on Wednesday, after a big land mine was found in an old truck in Bustan al-Qasr. The area was evacuated after a group of sappers from the International Mine Action Centre found a tube filled with 300 kilograms (661 pounds) of TNT that was controlled by radio signal. The Head of the International Mine Action Centre of the Russian Armed Forces, Igor Mikhailik, stated, that, "with the help of special equipment the radio signal was muffled and sappers neutralised this explosive device." He noted that, "the vehicle was prepared as a ‘jihad-mobile,’ placed in a densely populated area and was designed to be blown up during the afternoon, when there is a large number of both cars and local residents." Russian sappers continued the mine clearance operation in residential areas, while the robotic Uran-6 complex inspected the city’s outskirts where it detonated explosives. The squad of the International Mine Action Centre of the Russian Armed Forces arrived at the Hmeymim airbase in Latakia on December 3. The group reportedly includes specialists that previously took part in mine clearance operations in the Syrian city of Palmyra. Video ID: 20170104- 018 Video on Demand: Contact: Twitter: Facebook:


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