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4 Dead Russian Ambassadors in 3 Months - Foul play? #okc #news #wth

A farewell to Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Mr Churkin, for well over a decade, featuring Spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova. Following the Assassination of Andrei Karlov in Turkey earlier this year, was the death of Andrey Melanin in Athens of 'natural causes'. Ambassador Alexander Kadakin to India had died of an apparent heart attack, even though no previous health issues were known. Together with Vitaly Churkin, this now brings the death total of Russian officials serving in foreign capacity to 4, all within a 3 month period. Coincidence? Or does the CIA have a long arm? This episode features Mr Churkin dispelling allegations of Russia having dropped leaflets over Aleppo, urging civilians to leave the city or face death. Of course, it is only the senile or those with short memories, who would think that "evidence" presented in the UN Security Council, is anything more than fabricated Neocon garbage. See linked video at the end, with Colin Powell's "weapons of mass destruction" a.k.a simple washing powder. The 2003 invasion of Iraq, based on this kind of "evidence" would take over half a million Iraqi lives.... To shame. US military deaths cannot be calculated due to contractors such as Blackwater not being included in official statistics. Military industrial company fat cat CEOs only rub their hands in glee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For current affairs, translations and analysis, check out My vids also get uploaded to the Eurasia Daily page on Facebook:


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