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National Guard Use Considered for Immigration Roundups #okc #news #wth

A draft proposal to use the National Guard to round up unauthorized immigrants was released to the Associated Press on Friday, detailing the mobilization of up to 100,000 troops in 11 states, including California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. The 11-page memo originated from the Department of Homeland Security and was rejected, an official describing it as "a very early draft that was not seriously considered and never brought to Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly for approval." Nevertheless, lawmakers determined it offered insight into how the Trump administration is considering carrying out its promise to crackdown on illegal immigration internally. The White House has attempted to distance itself from the document, with Sean Spicer saying there was "no effort at all to utilize the National Guard to round up unauthorized immigrants." The National Guard has been used for immigration-related missions in the past, but never to the scale that the memo suggested. Considering that nearly half of the recorded people living in the U.S. without authorization are in those 11 states, if carried out, the order could have had a significant impact. This video was produced by YT Wochit News using


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