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Ukraine: Kiev Regime Starts Offensive Against Donbass & Tries to Sabotage US-Russia Rapprochement #okc #news #wth

Subscribe to Vesti News The Russian Government is extremely concerned about the worsening situation in Donbass. Aggressive actions by Kiev show the reluctance and unwillingness of President Poroshenko to abide by the Minsk agreements. This is what Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin's press secretary, said today regarding the events taking place in South-Eastern Ukraine. Russia's Foreign Ministry called on Western countries to put pressure on Ukraine to make it abandon its idea of military revenge in Donbass and to not allow it to destroy the Minsk agreements. The leader of the social movement Ukrainian Choice, Victor Medvedchuk, also made a statement. He emphasized that the country has to finally come to its senses. However, Kiev is using these bloody events for its own predictable information campaign. Poroshenko urgently cut short his trip to Germany, even though it was already about to end. He asked the UN Security Council to hold a meeting, and, of course, began repeating, like a mantra, the call not to lift the sanctions against Russia. Even in Berlin, where Poroshenko has just visited, there is no doubt why Ukraine needs this political spectacle. Visit us! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:


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