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Waters: Trump ‘Vulnerable to Impeachment,’ ‘I Don’t Intend For Him to be Around for Four Years’ #okc #news #wth

Thursday on MSNBC, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who has repeatedly called for President Donald Trump’s impeachment, doubled down saying she did not “intend for him to be around for four years,” adding that he was “vulnerable to impeachment.” Partial transcript as follows: TUR: Congresswoman, you have strong words for the president and there’s a good portion of the Democratic party that doesn’t want to see any Democrat work with Republicans or work with President Trump in any way. 56% of them saying that they oppose this president. Are we in for another four years of complete stalemate in congress? WATERS: I don’t think so because he’s not going to be there for four years. He has disregarded constitutional questions. We’re still digging into his conflicts of interest. His relationship to Putin and the Kremlin. I think there’s a lot there. I don’t intend to work with him or try to work with him, but I certainly don’t intend for him to be around for four years. A lot of people don’t want to hear this. They say you’re saying it and talking about a president who has only been in office for a short period of time. But I do believe that he is vulnerable to impeachment. TUR: You believe he’s vulnerable to impeachment but the Democrats do not control the House or the Senate. This would have to be something that Republicans signed on to. Why are you so sure the Republicans would get on board with that? WATERS: Well, I think he’s going embarrass his party. They can’t keep defending him and standing up for him but in addition to that, this congress no matter where we divide, we’re basically very patriotic. Many of those senators are getting very nervous about his relationship to Putin and his defense of Putin constantly. And so I think that if, in fact, they find that there’s been collusion between this president and Putin and the Kremlin that they’re going to back off of him. And there is an opportunity there for all of us to get together in the interest, the best interests of this country. And I do think that impeachment certainly may be possible.


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