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Witches And Christians Battle At Trump Tower #okc #news #wth

The mass spell, which was organized by self-identified magician Michael Hughes, is a binding spell — meaning it’s intended to restrain Trump’s power, rather than cause harm. The group outside Trump Tower group was a varied one — some called themselves witches, some practiced spells and tarot but didn’t identify as witches, and a few had never cast a spell before. Also, Lana Del Rey maybe participated, so there’s that. One woman, who told BuzzFeed News she is a “Christian mystic” named Donna, shouted a counter-prayer while brandishing a mirror at the witches to “reflect” the spell back on them.Donna told BuzzFeed News she thought the spell casters were “on the verge of evil.” Multiple times, she called the binding spell “a slavery spell” because it’s meant to “overpower someone else’s will,” she said. “These people have just been very hateful and nasty, and I wanted to reflect it back at them,” she said. “I hope to protect Donald Trump…and I hope they will repent.” Donna wasn’t the only Christian who attempted to “protect” Trump from the witches — countless Christians have been tweeting anti-witch prayers and religious imagery after one Christian Nationalist website put out a call to action.Kat said she considered the spell “a form of peaceful resistance.” “I think the idea of putting good energy out into the universe is something that is universal and should be respected, and that’s why I’m here,” she said. Karen Irwin (right) is a Christian and does not identify as a witch. Still, she decided to give the spell a try out of sadness that people are “bastardizing [Christianity] in its entirety” as a tool for hate, she said. And while Irwin wasn’t certain whether or not the spell — the first she ever cast — would have “real world effects,” she thought it was worth a shot.“Do I think there’s a direct scientific line that we could draw, that maybe Monday he’ll be impeached? Frankly, there’s realistic processes behind that, like Congress and the Senate,” she said. “But I do believe there are certain levels of energy in the universe and this definitely doesn’t hurt.” And Bohinc said she doesn’t think witches and Christians are so different. “If you believe in prayer, if you believe in energy, if you believe in the power of mental intention setting, then you could just as equally be a witch or a Christian,” she said.“I hope [the spell] will actually do something to stop Trump — bind him, stop him and all the horrible things he’s doing in his administration,” she said. “I also just hope it’ll inspire people to get involved,” she said. This video was produced by YT Wochit News using


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