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How SpaceX’s Manned Moon Flyby Creates Hope for Humanity | REAL MATTERS #okc #news #wth

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk recently announced that they plan to send two tourists, farther than any man has gone before, on a Moon flyby mission by 2018. This will be the first time Humans have left Earth orbit since the last Apollo mission in 1972. If successful this could be a significant step towards a space tourism industry and paving the road for Elon Musks ambitious future missions to Mars in the not so distant future. SpaceX Founder Elon Musk said the circumlunar journey would take about a week, nearing the moon’s surface without landing on it before its return to Earth. The total flight would go about 500,000 to 650,000 Kilometres into space, he said, meaning the flight could take humans farther into space than ever before. The current record is held by Apollo 13 during their fly by off the dark side of the moon, when they traveled 400,171 km away from the earth...

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