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Civilian ships come under fire in Iran-Israel ‘shadow war’ in the Gulf

Civilian ships come under fire in Iran-Israel ‘shadow war’ in the Gulf At least 20 civilian ships have been attacked by mines, drones and commandos in a rapidly spiralling “shadow war” between Iran and Israel, analysis has found. The assaults on oil tankers, cargo ships and other vessels have escalated sharply over the past six months and shipping industry and security experts fear an undeclared naval conflict destabilising some of the world’s busiest trade routes. Last week the “shadow war” turned fatal for the first time when a suspected Iranian kamikaze drone killed a British sailor and the Romanian captain of the tanker Mercer Street. The shadow war, as its name suggests, is shrouded in mystery and has so far gone unacknowledged by Israeli and Iranian leaders. But it appears to have begun in earnest on May 2, 2019, not far from the coast of the Saudi Arabian port of Jeddah. Saudi authorities said an Iranian tanker, Happiness 1, lost control of its engine and was left drifting some 70 nautical miles southwest of Jeddah. Since then, other vessels linked to either Iran or Israel have been struck by missiles, attacked with limpet mines, or falling victim to mysterious explosions with increasing frequency. Analysis found that the attacks have steadily risen year-on-year since 2019, amid warnings that the countries are on the brink of open war. In 2019, there were three reports of attacks on ships linked to either Israel or Iran, though details of the incidents were scant at the time. In 2020, Iranian ships were attacked at least six times. The incidents have soared since February this year, when Israel accused the tanker Emerald of carrying out an “eco terrorist attack” by deliberately and illegally spilling oil that drenched 100 miles of Israeli beaches in thick tar. The clandestine war in the Indian Ocean and the Med is just one front in a wider conflict being waged with drones, spies and cyber divisions on both sides.

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