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Trump Drafted Memo Calling For Seizure Of Election Material

Even though Bernard Kerik is not turning over all of the documents that the Riot Committee has requested, the public is still getting an idea of what happened that day. And thanks to a list Kerik provided of the documents that he will NOT be sharing, we now know that then-President Trump drafted a memo that called for the seizure of election materials following the 2020 election. The plan never came to fruition, and we don't know exactly what was in the memo, but its very existence shows how far Trump had wanted to go to steal the election. Ring of fire's Farron Cousins discusses this. Link - Become a member today!: Support us by becoming a monthly patron on Patreon, and help keep progressive media alive!: Find our merchandise at Teespring: Spread the word! LIKE and SHARE this video or leave a comment to help direct attention to the stories that matter. And SUBSCRIBE to stay connected with Ring of Fire's video content! Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel: Be sociable! Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Instagram: Follow more of our stories at Subscribe to our podcast: *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. You know what's remarkable about the January 6th select committee, is that even when they don't get everything that they want from one of the potential witnesses, they can still somehow end up getting everything they wanted from those individuals. Take for example, Trump ally Bernie Kerik. See Kerik has decided that he is going to sit for an interview and he did turn over loads of documents to the committee, but he withheld some, and he was helpful enough to send a big old list of all the documents that he's not going to turn over to the committee. And one of those documents was titled draft letter from POTUS to seize evidence in the interest of national security for the 2020 elections. This was a draft letter from then president of the United States Donald Trump laying out his plan, his call to seize election materials from the 2020 election in the interest of national security. Now, this sounds to me like Donald Trump had a plan that luckily did not come to fruition to seize the voting machines, possibly seize the ballots themselves, seize everything related to the 2020 election, have it in the hands of his people and then claim massive fraud and oh, Trump actually won. We're not gonna show you the results, but he won. He still gets to play president. Now, of course, we don't know. We don't know if it called for any of that. It could have just been titled that, and it could have been a doodle of Trump playing golf, who knows, we sure as hell don't because Kerik did not turn over that document. So I imagine committee's probably gonna ask about that, because again, he's agreed to sit down for an interview. He's turned over a lot of the documents they requested, of course not all of them. But putting it in this list form and giving us the titles here is also kind of giving up the game. Yes, the contents of that draft letter are exceptionally important here because without the contents we're left with nothing but speculation. But again sure as hell to me sounds like Donald Trump wanted to seize everything related to the 2020 election and change the results himself with his people. Now, if I'm wrong, feel free to prove me wrong by releasing the letter. That's all you have to do. That's all you have to do to prove to the country that Donald Trump wasn't at least thinking about stealing the election for himself, as he claims Joe Biden and the Democrats did for himself. This, this is getting out of hand, folks. The new information that continues to come out, even the information that comes out about information that's not coming out, which is what this is. We, as I continue to say, have still barely scratched the surface on what these people are hiding from us about what this administration was trying to do to overturn that election. And as I always say, it's time for a special prosecutor. It's time for somebody that has the authority to not recommend criminal charges, but to file them, to take over this so that we can get some real movement on this because until then we're gonna get more lists of documents we can't have. We're gonna have more damning titles of things that we don't get to know what's in them. And considering what's at stake, considering what almost happened.

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