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FB like social network that pays you a cut of profits.! --tsū shares social revenues that come from third party ads. tsū receives 10% to maintain the platform. Half of the remaining earned revenue is paid to the user who created the content. The other half of the remaining earned revenue is distributed to the user’s network Family Tree. Users on tsū monetize their content and network in perpetuity, which continues to grow alongside the community. Join me, lets earn FB money FB refuses to share..... Tsu pays users not only for content they post, but also for users ability to bring in more people. Each user gets a unique code that allows him or her to invite others to the site. And after Tsu takes its 10 percent cut, it gives half of each post’s revenue to the user who posted it — the remainder gets divided up among the users that person invited, the users those users invited, and so on, the share diminishing with each remove from the original poster. So even if your posts aren’t generating much revenue, or if you’re not posting much, you can still make some money from the posts of the people you know. “If you brought value to the system” by inviting someone whose posts get a lot of attention, said Mr. Sobczak, “you’re actually rewarded for that.” Tsū’s algorithm automatically tracks, measures, and distributes revenue to the appropriate user and their family tree. At a high level, 90% of revenues are distributed to users. To maintain the platform, tsū receives 10%. To see how this breaks down, let’s take a look at 4 users, all with varying start dates on tsū. User A invites user B, who invites user C, who invites user D Part 1 – $100 of earned revenue is generated based on the content user D shared (photos, videos, status updates, etc.) Part 2 – 90% of earned revenue go to the users. In this case, $90 of the $100 is shared with all the users. – tsū takes 10% of the $100 for platform fees. In this case $10. Part 3 – User D, the original content creator takes 50% of the $90. In this case, $45. – User C gets 33.3% (1/3) of the original $90 generated. In this case, $29.70 – User B gets 11.1% (1/3 of 1/3 = 1/9) of the original $90 generated. In this case $9.99 – User A gets 3.70% (1/3 of 1/3 of 1/3 = 1/27) of the original $90 generated. In this case $3.33 – This is what we call the rule of infinite thirds Help us caption & translate this video!


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