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CHAOS IN TURKEY - Riots & Chaos Over Govt Forced Take Over of Turkey Largest Newspaper Media Co

I NEED YOUR HELP! - Please Support Us, Become A Patreon & Get Extra Content SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest Updates - CHAOS IN TURKEY - Riots & Chaos Over Govt Forced Take Over of Turkey Largest Newspaper Media Co Turkey's biggest newspaper, Zaman, has condemned its takeover by the authorities in a defiant last edition published just before police raided it. Saturday's edition said Turkey's press had experienced "one of the darkest days in its history". Police raided Zaman's Istanbul offices hours after a court ruling placed it under state control, but managers were still able to get the edition to print. Police later fired tear gas to disperse Zaman supporters Water cannon was also used as about 500 people gathered in front of Zaman's headquarters on Saturday. They chanted "Free press cannot be silenced!" A number of the journalists returned to work, but some of them tweeted that: they had lost access to internal servers and were not able to file articles they were not able to access their email accounts the newspaper's editor-in-chief Abdulhamit Bilici and a leading columnist had been fired One reporter, Abdullah Bozturk, said attempts were also under way to wipe the newspaper's entire online archive. The European Union's response has been to issue weak statements of concern It is accused of acting softly on Turkey as it needs the country's support in managing the refugee crisis. "It's not a surprise at all. Several of the government newspapers have in the last couple of weeks hinted at this [takeover] already, and other media who are linked to the Gulen movement have come under the same procedure with trustees," Frederike Geerdink, who has herself been prosecuted in Turkey "for making propaganda for a terrorist organization," said. "CNN Turk cancelled two rather popular talk shows of people who are not really in line with the government - and that is another problem in Turkey," she said. I see with no surprise that Washington is stepping up its campaign to censor the internet. It had to come, and will succeed. It will put paid forever to America’s flirtation with freedom. The country was never really a democracy, meaning a polity in which final power rested with the people. The voters have always been too remote from the levers of power to have much influence. Yet for a brief window of time there actually was freedom of a sort. With the censorship of the net—it will be called “regulation”—the last hope of retaining former liberty will expire. U.S. Falls Again in World Press Freedom Index – Now Ranked #49 Globally The greatest myth we Americans collectively like to tell to ourselves is that we live in the “land of the free.” The greatest myth we Americans collectively like to tell to ourselves is that we live in the “land of the free.” We particularly pride ourselves on “freedom of the press” — enshrined in the U.S. Constitution — but how free is this press really? New Report – The United States’ Sharp Drop in Economic Freedom Since 2000 Driven by “Decline in Rule of Law” Turkey Press Newspaper Journalism Journalist "European Union" Turkish 2016 2017 life lifestyle pressure people society social "social media" internet website "Breaking News" control media entertainment trends trending viral information knowledge secure "United states" usa america u.s. "Elite NWO Agenda" future


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