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Amazon Destroys Women's Business Over Their Own Mistake Following Orlando Shooting
Okay guys so here's what went down. Amazon just recently destroyed a women's business over their own mistake. Here's what happenned. So Amazon regularly sends out Tweets featuring products. Typically this would be a great thing to happen as it drives a lot of traffic to your listings and will bring you a lot of sales. In this case however Amazon tweeted out a cute "Cereal Killer" cereal bowl which is splattered in fake blood. The problem however is they tweeted this out just hours after the Bliss Nightclub Shooting in Orlando. Now any other time this would have been fine and probably a huge boost to this women's business, however the timing was poor and Amazon customers on Twitter understandably got upset about this tweet comming out hours after the shooting. Within about an hour Amazon deleted the Tweet. Later in the day they pulled this women's listing off of Amazon saying it glorified violence. Now if you search Amazon there's still dozens of other items which say "cereal killer" jokingly referring to eating cereal. Those products remain on Amazon, however this women's product which Amazon themselves made the stupid decision to tweet hours after the shooting was pulled down, basically all over Amazons own stupidity and mistake. Now understandably this tweet was scheduled far in advance through a tool called Sprinklr, however none the less Amazon needs to be the one to take accountability and not throw this innocent women under the bus. She has reached out to Amazon asking why her product was removed but as expected she has received nothing back but form letters stating they have received her message. A couple lessons we can learn from this... 1. Amazon is not your friend 2. Never rely on a single platform for sales, especially a third party you don't control. 3. Your ultimate goal when selling on any third party is to drive customers off of that third party platform onto your own website.

We are seeking people who want to help start an Tiny House Ecovillage, In Oklahoma. The goal is to help homeless and low income.

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