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CIA Press Conference Looks Like SNL Skit As Official Refuses Questions
For More Information Incredibly, when a U.S. State Department official was questioned about these revelations by the White House press corp, she refused to comment on the situation, citing an ongoing investigation. When the journalists pushed back and asked who is conducting the investigation, the official again stonewalled the media, claiming that she couldn’t even divulge who was investigating the allegations. The awkward press conference was more reminiscent of a Saturday Night Live skit than an official press briefing by the U.S. State Department. When society has gotten to the point at which there is trouble discerning between a comedy entertainment show and an official press briefing by a federal government agency, it may be time to do something different. The utter contempt shown by our government, by failing to inform the populace about activities undertaken in the name of the American people, should raise serious red flags about how little the federal government is actually beholden to the people they claim to serve.

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