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CIA Whistleblower on what they Have Planned for Us
Self Proclaimed CIA Asset, Reptilian/ Pleiadian Hybrid - Francine Kelly, who now resides in Tampa, FL, claims that since May of 2008, she has been gathering intelligence in Seattle, Washington, California, Arizona - working for the CIA, FBI and other departments and agencies of law enforcement in all levels of government. Francine further claims since May 2008, she has been used by a faction of the CIA and the aliens as a behavioral scientist primarily studying Reptilian Draconian Vampire behavior. She further claims thtat her husband Will P Wilson, who che married in a ritual union in 2010 after his physical body was cremated in 2009 is the King Reptilian Vampire and in charge of the CIA Black Ops as well as being her handler. -News, Podcast, Videos, Etc.

We are seeking people who want to help start an Tiny House Ecovillage, In Oklahoma. The goal is to help homeless and low income.

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