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U.S. SENDS DIRE WARNING - "U.S. Will Stop You & Beat You Harder Than You've Ever Been Beaten Before"

I NEED YOUR HELP! - Please Support Us, Become A Patreon & Get Extra Content SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest Updates - U.S. SENDS DIRE WARNING - "U.S. Will Stop You & Beat You Harder Than You've Ever Been Beaten Before" The US Army Chief of Staff warned the enemies of the United States that “we will beat you harder than you’ve ever been beaten before.” The list of rivals and foes is predictably Russia and China. He also admitted that the US Army’s readiness to fight had been eroded recently. The US Army Chief of Staff, Mark Milley delivered his remarks before the army’s annual meeting on Tuesday in Washington, DC, and said it was the ’s aim “to deter but if deterrents fail we as an army, we as a nation must be prepared to .” General Milley said deterrents were expensive but more expensive was a , and then and winning a but most expensive is and losing a . U.S. USA America "United States" world life lifestyle friends friendship challenge stop country learning battle training leadership leader 2016 2017 china russia strength future "United Kingdom" order brexit europe "european union" win winner game games trends trending news media entertainment time battlefield urban population warning prepare emergency supplies "emergency supplies" "food storage" "elite nwo agenda" went to school on us. They closely watched how we fought in ’91 and ’03. They studied our doctrine, our tactics, our equipment, our organization and our training and our leadership and in turn they revised their own doctrines and they are rapidly modernizing their today to avoid our strengths and hopes of defeating us at some point in the future,” said General Millay. Gen. Millay said the military had taken a number of steps over the last year to increase “our readiness in the total ,” with training and combat readiness. “I want to be clear to those around the world who want to destroy our way of life, and that of our allies and friends,” said Gen. Millay. “The United States , despite all our challenges, despite our off-tempo, despite everything we have been doing, will stop you, and we will beat you harder than you’ve ever been beaten before. Make no mistake about that.” Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday proposed a law suspending a Moscow-Washington agreement to dispose of . Officials said on Friday that underground shelters had been built which could house 12 milion people – enough for the entire population of Moscow.


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