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I NEED YOUR HELP! - Please Support Us, Become A Patreon & Get Extra Content SUBSCRIBE to ELITE NWO AGENDA for Latest Updates - CHELSEA CLINTON, LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER - Chelsea Clinton Busted Big Time! The Clinton family has been the dirtiest dynasty in politics of all time. They stand for nothing bu devilish things. Chelsea Clinton – AKA Satan’s spawn – has carried out her own family’s mantra: “more for me, less for you.” She just showed this yesterday. The Clinton’s try and present themselves as supporters of “clean energy.” It’s an act. Look how Chelsea got a ride to the “Clean Energy Roundtable” in Asheville, North Carolina on a private jet. *** She took a private jet from Greenville, South Carolina to Asheville, North Carolina. For all of you that don’t know how far that is… It’s a little over an hour drive. screen-shot-2016-09-29-at-6-27-38-pm She doesn’t care about the environment. Busted! Clinton says that she is dedicated to clean energy. If that true, then why fly a private jet for 20 minutes instead of taking a car. As she put it: “I obsessively cut up the plastic rings around soda cans so that my trash from Arkansas wouldn’t kill marine wildlife on the Gulf Coast,” she added. This is what the Clinton’s do. The Clinton’s say that they are for women’s rights, but Bill Clinton has raped tons of women. They say they want to ban guns, but you always see the Clinton’s surrounded by guards with guns. They say that they are for minorities, yet they degrade them at every turn. When will we expose the Clinton’s for who they really are? The liberals are being fooled. That’s why everyone reading this article needs to share, share, and share some more. Let’s expose Chelsea for the daughter of the devil that she is. The Clinton BS Files: Who is Chelsea Clinton’s real dad? A mystery spun out of nothing Is Bill Clinton actually Chelsea's dad? Trump advisor Roger Stone claims a devious conspiracy hides the answer The conspiracy theorists are probably right that the “burly ex-football player” is Hubbell, who was playing for the Arkansas Razorbacks when they defeated Georgia at the Sugar Bowl in 1969. October Surprise that could swing the election against Hillary if it catches fire. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange fears for his life because he’s poised to release devastating information about the Clintons at a Clinton "Chelsea Clinton" "Hillary Clinton" Family Daughter Mother Jet "Private Jet" Exclusive news "Breaking News" energy "Clean Energy" Ride Transport "North Carolina" "South Carolina" drive flight environment planet green car 2016 2017 vote election plastic trash "plastic bag" trump "donald trump" truth trends trendy trending truth exposed lies democrat "make america great again" "american dream" elite millionaire billionaire "elite nwo agenda" gerald celente david icke jsnip4 lindsey williams coast to coast am demcad david icke illuminati symbolism new world order collapse obama 3rd term third term video conference in Berlin, says political strategist Roger Stone. “Assange correctly fears for his life because he has the deep secrets of the Deep State and he’s getting ready to spill the beans,” said Stone on The Alex Jones Show Monday. “Bill and Hillary Clinton know that it’s handcuff time and they’re apoplectic.” “Too many people are onto the mainstream media and they correctly identify them with the rotting fetid New World Order,” Stone said. “They know that the media and the two-party duopoly are in bed together, therefore they discount most of what they’re hearing from network television.” Clinton Campaign Panics Over Lack of Volunteers Rebuffed Again – Clinton Speaks To Empty Seats in Charlotte, NC, AME Church… hillary for prison Once again the MSM hides the reality of a Clinton event targeting the black community, where the audience doesn’t show up to hear her speech The mainstream media will obviously try to gloss over the data dump, but Stone said that the information is so devastating that it will be impossible for the media change the subject or ignore the story altogether.


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