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Men in Trumpland - MGTOW

Men in Trumpland - MGTOW "Greetings Sandman, Now that Donald Trump has been declared winner and as the next U.S. President, what do you predict and what will be the challenges that the men, MRA's and MGTOW's will be facing in his presidency in terms of Political, Social, Economic and Well-Being Thanks and keep up the remarkable work." Well Supremo thanks for the donation and topic. As I write this the first Trump promise to get rid of Obamacare completely has been changed. He's going to amend it keep the part where parents can keep their kids on their health plan until the age of 26 which was nice of him to support family values. With regards to helping men out the way I can see him doing that is if he subsidises businesses to come to the United States and manufacture here. But he said it himself that the Chinese keep devaluing their currency to make manufacturing there cheaper. The first promise he kept was to kill the TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership and Obama came out and said he's not going to be pursuing it anymore. With regards to factory jobs they will be replaced by automation and robots if Trump helps subsidise American companies to be the leaders in the automation and self-driving car industries then that would work. I'd like to see him help Tesla make the self driving car get on the road in a year and pass legislation allowing it. America needs to innovate it's way out of the financial troubles. In the nineties America was innovating with regards to the internet and was posting surpluses thanks to increased revenue and the Republican house. There are a lot of jobs here in Ontario, Canada the province I live in and 80% of what we make is sent to the United States. If he rips up NAFTA or the North American Free Trade Agreement then Canada will enter a recession and house prices will collapse here. But that could mean jobs coming back to the United States in manufacturing. That would be good for me because I make about half my revenue in US dollars and as a result the US dollar would rise if what I mention comes true. Real Estate would be cheaper so I'd be able to get a decent property in the next three years or so. But men need to understand that Trump can't stop automation from destroying the majority of the remaining factory jobs. He can't stop the gig economy either. People are going to increasingly work as freelancers if they aren't lucky enough to get one of those few remaining factory jobs. The only way to make America Great Again is to compete with the world and beat them on consumer products quality and price. How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind MGTOW Mystery Link: 9 images licensed and paid for through All images are shown below in the order they appear. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


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