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USA: Electronic tattoos allow users to pilot drones from afar #okc #news #wth

An electronic tattoo which allows wearers to control a drone or play video games was unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017 in Las Vegas, Wednesday. Rotex, a Chinese tech start-up based in Austin, Texas, and Chengdu, China, has developed one of the world's thinnest and softest biometric sensors which can detect electrical signals from muscle movement and translate them into orders for computerised gadgets. According to the Rotex Chief Science Officer, Pulin Wang, the tattoo has three main functions: "human interface," for fitness purposes and for medical monitoring. He stated, "for medicals we put the patch on the chest, one single patch can be used to mark an electro-cardiogram, hydration, temperature, blood pressure and respiratory so basically all the vital signs so they can have a lot of applications in healthcare and long term disease control." The current version of the patch is disposable, although the company is already working on a tattoo that will last for one week. Video ID: 20170104 010 Video on Demand: Contact: Twitter: Facebook:


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