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BEWARE: Toxic Substances #okc #news #wth

Here are the most toxic and lethal substances. From rare liquids to poisonous chemicals – you’ll be surprised with how many of them you’re surrounded by. Subscribe for new videos: 9: Rhodium Rhodium is a chemically inert metal of the platinum group that is extremely rare, and valued as a precious metal. Due to its high value and resistance to corrosion, the element is usually alloyed with other precious metals to be served as metal plating. White gold for example, is often plated with a rhodium layer 8: Ricin Ricin is one of nature's deadliest substances that is found in plants instead of animals. It is a naturally occurring carbohydrate-binding protein that is produced in the beans of a castor oil plant. The toxic substance has the ability to inactivate and wreak havoc on ribosomes within our cells, resulting in impaired ability to further synthesize proteins. Just a mere 500 micrograms of ricin is enough to kill an adult human. To put that into perspective, that's about 7: Strychnine Strychnine is an alkaloid found in the plants of the genus Strychnos, which are native to many tropical countries. However, the substance could now also be produced artificially in labs. Strychnine acts as a neurotoxin that primarily affects the motor nerves in the spinal cord. Exposure to it would cause a chemical in the nerves that regulates muscle contraction to be blocked, causing the muscles to be in a constant state of stimulation. A victim could be affected by strychnine by inhalation, ingestion, or even by absorbing it through the eyes 6: Arsenic Arsenic is a metalloid that usually exists in combination with other metals and elements, although it can exist as a pure elemental crystal. Arsenic has many useful applications, such as being alloyed with lead to create components in automotive batteries and ammunition. It also happens to be a very toxic substance, so are used as components for pesticides and weed killers. And like any other potent poison, arsenic is capable of causing serious harm and even death to men. What arsenic does to the body is attack the ATP enzymes responsible for cellular energy production, and this in 5: Mercury It shouldn't be news that those shiny silvery liquids you find in thermometers are poisonous. Compounds of the chemical element mercury are highly lethal, even through skin contact. A chemist professor named Karen Wetterhahn died in 1997 due to accidental exposure to organic mercury during an experiment, even though it was only a few drops that spilt onto her latex gloved hand. Toxicity of the metallic element is due to its ability to inhibit enzymes 4: Tetrodotoxin Fugu is a rare and exotic Japanese puffer fish dish that is popular among thrill seeking diners. The catch of tasting this delicious cuisine is that it might be your last meal if the chef makes the slightest mistake in preparing it. Puffer fish is one of several sea creatures that harbor a deadly substance called tetrodotoxin inside its organs. What the toxin does is selectively block sodium channels at nerve endings, causing muscle paralysis. A person unlucky enough to ingest it would suffer from general paralysis 3: Cyanide Cyanide is probably one of the world’s most well known poisons, and is capable of killing victims in a matter of minutes. Because of its efficacy, it is a popular and favorite killing tool by both real life and fictional killers. Chemically speaking, cyanide is a carbon atom triple bonded to a nitrogen atom. What makes it such a fast killer is that it quickly binds to the mitochondria in living cells 2: Sarin In 1938, German scientists discovered an extremely toxic liquid while trying to create strong pesticides. It was a nerve agent of high potency that they named Sarin, which was an acronym for the names of the discoverers. When the Second World War broke out the following year, the sarin formula was passed to the Nazi army's chemical warfare section to be mass produced. As a nerve gas, sarin was found to be 26 times more lethal than cyanide. Another thing that makes it so dangerous is the fact that it’s physically undetectable, as it is both colorless and tasteless. Once inhaled, sarin acts at nerve synapses by inhibiting the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, causing it to accumulate 1: The Botulinum Toxin The most toxic substance known to man is probably the very same substance that is injected into peoples' faces to remove wrinkles. We are talking about Botox, or rather, its unpurified form known as botulinum toxin. Just 1 gram is enough to kill 14,000 people if swallowed, or 8.3 million if injected directly into the bloodstream. The deadly neurotoxin is produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. It causes botulism, a rather rare but serious illness mainly transmitted through contaminated canned food. What it specifically does is block the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from nerve endings, causing a state of generalized


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