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10,000 U.S. troops to participate in Foal Eagle exercise #okc #news #wth

독수리훈련에 미군 1만명 참가 pkg 김정수 Ten-thousand U.S. troops are participating in the annual combined military exercise between Seoul and Washington. The drills got started just two days ago amid the ongoing tensions in the region and will continue until the end of April. Kim Jung-soo helps familiarize us with what the drills are all about. An official from South Korea's Combined Forces Command told reporters on Friday that a combined 10-thousand U.S. troops will participate in the annual Foal Eagle exercise, alongside South Korea's 290-thousand troops, bringing the total number of participants to 300-thousand. Of the 10,000 participating American troops, 36-hundred service members have been deployed from the U.S. mainland. Foal Eagle is a field training exercise that involves ground, air, naval and special forces. It is connected to the Key Resolve drills that begin on March 13th -- which are computer-simulated command-post exercises conducted by the U.S.-South Korea alliance. It's also been reported that the Nimitz-class supercarrier USS Carl Vinson will arrive in Busan on March 15th to participate in this year's Key Resolve exercise. Many believe the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has been deployed to send a warning to North Korea. Although the bilateral exercises have been carried out numerous times under various circumstances, there is no doubt that tensions are running particularly high this year,... in the wake of North Korea's latest missile test on February 12th... and the apparent assassination of Kim Jong-nam on February 13th. On Thursday, just a day after the Foal Eagle exercise had begun, North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency issued a statement promising a "merciless" response. “Should the U.S. imperialists and the South Korean puppet forces fire even a single shell into the waters where the sovereignty of our republic is exercised, the Korean People's Army will immediately launch its merciless military counteractions." That same day, South Korean officials promised a strong response if necessary, but reiterated the longstanding position that the military maneuvers are purely defensive in nature and not, as North Korea often alleges, a rehearsal for an invasion. "The annual exercises are meant to test and improve the defense capacities of the South Korea-U.S. alliance should a crisis situation occur." Kim Jung-soo, Arirang News. Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages Facebook(NEWS): Homepage: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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