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China bans package tours to S. Korea in retaliation to THAAD #okc #news #wth

사드보복 중국, 한국관광 전면금지 We begin with China's protest against Seoul's decision to deploy the THAAD missile defense system,… which is getting more intense by the day. In its latest move, the Chinese government has instructed travel agencies in the country to stop selling travel packages to South Korea. The move could deal a heavy blow to South Korea's tourism industry,.. as it is heavily dependent on Chinese visitors. Park Jong-hong has our top story. Under the measure, travel agencies are banned from selling package tours or free trips to Chinese nationals wishing to visit South Korea. Industry sources say the China National Tourism Administration called travel agencies in Beijing for a meeting on Thursday giving them direct instructions to suspend sales of all travel packages, both online and offline. This is seen as another blatant move in protest against Seoul's decision to deploy an advanced U.S. anti-missile defense system on the peninsula. In addition, the state-run agency told the travel agencies to exhaust those packages that have already been sold by mid-March. Industry sources add the measure will likely be expanded to travel agencies based in other cities. As a result, Chinese tourists would only be able to travel to South Korea on individual trips, buying tickets and making reservations on their own. This is expected to deal a direct blow to South Korea's tourism industry. Late last year, the Chinese government instructed a reduction of 20 percent on the number of people going on group trips to South Korea ... one of the most popular tourist destinations for the Chinese. Park Jong-hong, Arirang News. Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages Facebook(NEWS): Homepage: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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